I really enjoyed this class! The part I liked the best was how we watched films and then chose what we wanted to write about. This gave us a bit more freedom than being told exactly what to write. It was interesting to see the topics that fellow classmates came up with. It just goes to show how each person interprets things in their own way. I also enjoyed the movies that where chosen for us to watch. I found them all interesting!
I found the peer critiques to be helpful as well. Sometimes it takes a second (or even third) pair of eyes to catch something we may have missed, even when we read our drafts over and over again! My only suggestion for this area would be to maybe change the groups up more often. I would have liked to read the papers of more than just the few classmates I did get to critique. It is always nice to be exposed to other ideas and ways of writing.
Other than that, I feel that the class went very smoothly. I had fun! I wish I had taken you for ENC1101, as I found the teacher I had to be quite boring...
Friday, April 26, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Education Essay
Could Tenure Be?
It is no great mystery that America’s education system is
severely flawed. While there are many issues and problems that plague the world
of education, such as under-paid and over-worked teachers, the issue that
really strikes a nerve with many is that of tenure. Tenure has not always had a
bad rap. The word tenure comes from the Latin tenere, meaning “to hold” or “to
keep” and was created in 1866 with the original purpose of protecting educators
from losing their jobs for arbitrary reasons (Chesley). Since its beginning,
however, the overall perception and understanding of tenure for teachers has
been skewed. The problems associated with tenure, however, could be solved if
several steps are taken. Principals could avoid giving tenure to undeserving teachers
by following such guidelines as more meaningful evaluations for new teachers,
ensuring more involvement by teachers in not only their classrooms, but also
their communities, and finally, providing better guidance and intervention for
those struggling during their early years (Chesley).
The process of evaluating workers on their job
performance is not a new concept. Many companies routinely evaluate and track
the achievement of employees in the workforce, and make adjustments
accordingly. The idea that teachers should be evaluated is also not new. While
most teachers are evaluated and tracked, the problem comes when the
administration gets lazy. Since the guidelines for measuring the effectiveness
of teachers will vary from state to state, it is up to the schools to make sure
that the teachers are performing at their very best (Marshall). In an article
by Patricia Marshall, which reviewed the tenure policies and related resources in
ten states, she discovered that many administrators use a
“classroom-teaching-performance check list” which fails to measure such things
as the teacher’s “reasoned commitment to the education profession” (Marshall). This
should be changed. Although it is important to evaluate teachers on their
ability to educate the students, it should also be taken into account the way
they feel about their jobs and how much they strive to improve themselves on a
daily basis.
those individuals planning to enter the world of teaching, it would serve them
well to be actively involved in their communities. Teaching should reach far
beyond the classroom and day to day instruction. Teachers, both new and those
with much experience, should all work together to foster learning in their
classrooms and communities. Some ways to become more involved would be to hold
open houses, allow for many parent teacher conferences, as well as volunteering
in the surrounding community. According to a NEA policy brief,
family, and community involvement in education correlates with higher academic
performance and school improvement. When schools, parents, families, and
communities work together to support learning, students tend to earn higher
grades, attend school more regularly, stay in school longer, and enroll in higher
level programs” (NEA).
only does community involvement help the students, but it can also help the
teachers feel that that are a part of something bigger. Principals and other
administrators in charge of granting tenure should take into consideration a
teacher’s involvement and overall feelings toward the community in which they
work and live.
Teaching is a scary profession. It
is perhaps most terrifying in the first few years. New teachers are thrown into
a world in which they are given the task of shaping young minds and building
the future of this country. What could be more intimidating? “So well-known is
the hectic nature of the early period in a teachers career that it is commonly
referred to as the “survival stage” (Marshall). That being said, many may find
it unfair to judge teachers during their first few years on the job and use
those judgments to determine their eligibility for tenure. An article published
in the American School Board Journal
in 2009 titled “5 Reasons to Quit Whining About Tenure”, offered this
suggestion; “Identify your poorest-performing teachers and work with them” (5
Reasons). The article goes on to suggest such methods as regular evaluations
and coaching, providing the teacher with a mentor, and offering professional
development (5 Reasons). These are all great ideas to help teachers who are new
and might just need that extra push to get where they need to be. Everyone has
room for improvement, and given the right tools, teachers who are struggling
may be able to overcome the difficulties of those first few years on the job.
As the article states, “The worst that can happen: The teacher doesn’t improve,
you have invaluable documentation for a termination hearing, or maybe the
teacher will see the handwriting on the wall- and quit” (5 Reasons).
“Schools take the path of least
resistance by allowing the mere passage of time to automatically affirm a
teacher’s abilities. Teachers receive tenure by default in the absence of a finding
of gross incompetence” (Chesley). This is a trend that needs to be stopped. We
should not be allowing teachers tenure merely because they managed to “stick it
out” for a few years. Principals and other administrators must put the effort
in to make the changes necessary to ensure that all schools are filled with
competent, wonderful, and caring teachers who have a natural passion for
helping others. “Now is the ideal time for educators to redefine the concept of
tenure. Principals can establish a culture in which granting tenure is not the
mindless, default position” (Chesley).
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Journal #7
This is my third time watching the movie Waiting For Superman, and this is the third time it has brought me to tears. The first time I saw the movie, it made me question my decision to become a school teacher. The second time I saw it, it did just the opposite. It made me that much more confident that this is what I want and NEED to do with my life. The way I see it, if I can become a good or even a great teacher, then I can do my part in helping the future of our children and of our nation as a whole.
One part of the movie that really got to me was the children waiting to see if they got into schools based on a lottery. Seeing the sadness and disappointment on the faces of their mothers, fathers, and grandparents was very hard. I could not imagine being in a position such as theirs. Having to sit back while my child got less than they deserved would be unbearable. The fact that this country can not fix its broken education system is appalling.
Perhaps the most disturbing part of the movie was that about tenure. I think it is ridiculous that teachers are granted tenure just for "continuing to breathe for 2 years" (Waiting For Superman). As the movie pointed out, teaching is not a right, it is a privilege. If teachers are not doing their very best and helping children grow and learn, they should lose their jobs. Most other jobs, if you are doing a bad job, you will be fired. Why is this not the case for teachers? By allowing tenure we are telling lazy and incompetent teachers that "its OK, you can still have your job", when they do not deserve it.
One part of the movie that really got to me was the children waiting to see if they got into schools based on a lottery. Seeing the sadness and disappointment on the faces of their mothers, fathers, and grandparents was very hard. I could not imagine being in a position such as theirs. Having to sit back while my child got less than they deserved would be unbearable. The fact that this country can not fix its broken education system is appalling.
Perhaps the most disturbing part of the movie was that about tenure. I think it is ridiculous that teachers are granted tenure just for "continuing to breathe for 2 years" (Waiting For Superman). As the movie pointed out, teaching is not a right, it is a privilege. If teachers are not doing their very best and helping children grow and learn, they should lose their jobs. Most other jobs, if you are doing a bad job, you will be fired. Why is this not the case for teachers? By allowing tenure we are telling lazy and incompetent teachers that "its OK, you can still have your job", when they do not deserve it.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Beauty Pageants: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
pageants have gained much attention recently as such shows as “Toddler and Tiaras”
and “Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo” have gained popularity. While pageants that
judge participants on their beauty have been around since the ancient times, the
first Miss America Pageant was held in 1921 in Atlantic City in an effort to
make tourists stay past Labor Day (PBS). Since then, the face of pageants has
changed, and not for the better. Contestants are becoming younger and younger
and the stakes are higher. While some would argue that beauty pageants help
build girls’ self-confidence and positive self-image, they are far more
damaging to young children. Participants in these types of pageants are more
likely to develop body image issues as well as unhealthy ideas about their
worth. For these reasons, beauty pageants for young girls should be stopped.
An article by Andrea Canning on ABCnews.com reports that
an “estimated 250,000 children compete in more than 5,000 pageants in the
United States each year” (ABC). Upon viewing the website for the Royal
International Miss pageant, it can be seen that there are many supporters for
children in pageants. Glancing through the photos of these children painted up
like dolls was a little disturbing. Perhaps the most fascinating part of the
website that I found was their mission statement.
young women while giving them the opportunity to grow and develop a positive
self-image is the focus of Royal International Miss Pageants. By providing
opportunities for young women and girls to cultivate their talents and public
speaking abilities, we help facilitate self-confidence” (Royal).
is clear that the supporters of such pageants are in agreement that these types
of competitions among children are healthy and can only have positive outcomes.
There is much research, however, that point to the contrary.
Body image is the way we feel about
how we look. For young girls, developing a positive body image can have many
benefits. Girls who are happy with the way they look are less likely to have
eating disorders, less likely to suffer from depression, and more likely to
develop positive and healthy relationships both in their teen and adult lives
(Psychology Today). A study done by Costal Caroline University in South
Caroline on the correlation between beauty pageants and eating disorders
revealed some startling results. Out of 131 female beauty pageant contestants,
over 26% had shown signs of an eating disorder. The average age at which these
problems began was 16 (NCBI). Depression is also higher for girls who
participate in such competitions. When they do not win, they feel as though
they are not good enough the way that they are. This brings me to my next
topic, damage to the self-worth of these young girls.
Self-worth is defined as the value
we place on ourselves as human beings. Beauty pageants and the messages they
convey say that all that is important about us is the way we look. “When it
comes to performing, education takes a back seat. The performers bodies are
their livelihood and less-than-perfect might lead to unemployment”(PsychologyToday).
It is this message that is damaging to our society’s young girls. We should be
encouraging young women to expand their minds and better themselves through
education. Beauty will fade, but intelligence is something no one can ever take
from you. The fact that so much pressure is put on girls to always look their
best is a tragedy.
As the mother of young daughter, it
is my hope that one day the attitudes toward women will change. With such an abundance
of beauty pageants that claim to offer girls self-confidence and pride; this is
where we need to start making the changes. We need to teach young girls and
women that their value does not lie in their faces or bodies, but instead in
their minds.
"Beauty Pageants
for Teens, Girls, Toddlers, & Women (State & National). N.p., n.d. Web.
09 Apr.
Cartwright, Martina M.
"Child Beauty Pageants: What Are We Teaching Our Girls?" Web log post. Psychology
Today. N.p., 12 Aug. 2011. Web. 01 Apr. 2013.
JESSICA HOFFMAN. "On TLC's 'Toddlers & Tiaras,' Little Divas Make
Their Entrance." ABC News. ABC News Network, 21 July 2009.
Web. 09 Apr. 2013.
"People &
Events: Origins of the Beauty Pageant." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 02
Apr. 2013.
Thompson, SK.
"Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology
Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 08 Sept. 2003. Web. 01
Apr. 2013.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Journal #6
As the mother to a young daughter, the movie Miss Representation frightened me. I already knew that women were being treated differently than men in the media, but this movie made it much more clear how awful this society treats women. The part that scared me the most was when they explained how the media is affecting young girls. By putting these "examples" out there for them to look up to, we are telling young girls that they are not good enough. We are also telling them that their value and worth lies in their appearance. This is the wrong message. We should be teaching girls that what is important is what is on the inside. The way they treat people, the education they receive, and many other similar things are what really matter.
An issue that has always struck a raw nerve with me is that of pageants. At very young ages, parents are entering their children in these events that expose them to things they are much too young for. Fake hair, fake teeth, loads of makeup and even fake tanning are all used in these pageants. This is showing very young girls that they are not good enough the way that they are. These girls are then judged against other girls and a winner is chosen. This is not healthy. We should not be judging CHILDREN on how they look, especially when most of the things about them are fake. This is setting them up for a life in which they will constantly be worried about how they look and how they measure up to those around them.
An issue that has always struck a raw nerve with me is that of pageants. At very young ages, parents are entering their children in these events that expose them to things they are much too young for. Fake hair, fake teeth, loads of makeup and even fake tanning are all used in these pageants. This is showing very young girls that they are not good enough the way that they are. These girls are then judged against other girls and a winner is chosen. This is not healthy. We should not be judging CHILDREN on how they look, especially when most of the things about them are fake. This is setting them up for a life in which they will constantly be worried about how they look and how they measure up to those around them.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Food and Hunger Issues Essay
if you could change the world? If you had the capability to do so, would you?
The truth is we all have the capacity to make a change in this world if given
the proper training, education, and resources. One of the most prevalent and
devastating problems we face is that of hunger and food waste. According to a
study done by the Department of Agriculture, “an estimated 48 million tons of
food is wasted at the retail, consumer and food service levels each year”
(Lettuce Recycle). The problem is not just here at home. This is a worldwide
issue. A study done by the London-based institution of Mechanical Engineers
found that “Up to half of all the food produced worldwide ends up going to
waste due to poor harvesting, storage and transportation methods, as well
irresponsible retailer and consumer behavior” (Reuters). Since most of the food
produced by the world goes to waste, some steps should be taken to reduce this
problem. Although it may be time consuming and costly, teaching retailers about
waste reduction as well as educating families of food waste will go a long way
in reducing the problem of food waste in both this country and the world.
Reducing food waste and raising awareness of the
importance of food is not something that can be done overnight. Breaking old
habits and instilling values in people is not an easy task, as many people are
set in their ways. There are, however, some small steps that can be taken to
start making people aware of the food they are wasting and the impact it has on
the world around them. In an article by Trevor Stokes, a study was done on
College students in New York and the amount of food they wasted. Simple signs
were posted saying things such as “All Taste…No Waste” and “Eat What You Take,
Don’t Waste Food” (Stokes). According to the study, after the signs were
posted, there was a reduction in the amount of food waste. If something as
simple as a few signs can change the way people treat food, imagine what would
happen if we did more. Grocery retailers would benefit in the long run by
implementing and committing to training associates on how to properly handle
food. Retailers should also take the time to teach associates how to properly
dispose of food and ways in which food scraps may be used for other things.
Grocery stores are a major
contribution to food waste. An article found on Earth911.com detailed the
“The average U.S. food store sends to the landfill more
than 1,300 pounds of food waste per employee per year, according to a 2006 study looking at waste management practices typical of
different industry groups. Supermarkets employed about 2.5 million people in
2008, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics. That means about 3.25
billion pounds of food waste from supermarkets was sent to the landfill in
2008, or the weight of more than 200,000 elephants” (Eath911).
Those are some startling numbers. The worst part of food
waste happening at the grocery store is that most of it is done due to laziness
or lack of training. I have seen first-hand a whole bag of oranges being thrown
out because one has gone bad. This is the type of thing that needs to be addressed.
Grocery stores need to step up and start training their employees on proper
food handling, storage, and disposal. Grocery stores also must increase the
amount of food they donate to those in need. The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan
Food Donation Act was signed in October 1996, and this allows grocery stores to
donate food and avoid liability (Coles). This should encourage all retailers to
donate the food they do not use, but this is not the case. Grocery stores
should also try to reduce the amount of food they produce in their fresh
departments. These can include fresh cut fruits and vegetables, baked goods,
and food prepared on site, such as fried chicken or subs. Much of the products
produced in fresh departments (with the exception of bread), are thrown out if
not sold. Only when grocery stores begin setting a good example for those
around them will the issue of food waste begin to be solved.
problem of food waste is also prevalent in the home. “On average, Americans
waste 14% of the food they buy, including products still within their
expiration date but never opened” (Coles). A study done by UA anthropologist
Timothy W. Jones estimated that “the average family of four tosses out $590 per
year in meat, fruits, vegetables, and grain products” (Coles). Those numbers
add up, and we are all guilty of wasting food in the home. We do not eat
leftovers because they do not look good or we are tired of eating the same
thing. We cook more than we need. We buy more fresh fruits and vegetables than
we will consume before they go bad. These are all habits that need to be
broken. If families could be educated on the proper amounts of food to buy and
to prepare, as well as how to properly store food, perhaps we could reduce the
amount of food that ends up in landfills. Another reason that food waste is so
high in the home is lack of knowledge on how long food is good for. Many people
do not know the difference between “Sell By” and “Best Before” dates (Coles).
If we took the time to educate people on food awareness, the problem of food
waste could be greatly reduced.
the amount of food we waste is not only good for the planet; it is also good
for the economy. With an estimated 48 million tons of food being wasted each
year, steps must be made to decrease this number. Through proper training and
education, we can change the world, one empty plate (and dumpster) at a time.
Works Cited
"Clean your plate,
save the world?" Reuters. Issues & Controversies. Facts On
File News Services, 15 Mar. 2012. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.
Marisa McNatt, “Help
your Supermarket Cut Food Waste”. Earth 911.
13 Oct. 2011. Web. 12 Mar. 2013
"Simple awareness reduces college food
waste." Reuters. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 11 Jan. 2013. Web. 12 Mar.
"Up to half of
world's food goes to waste, report says." Reuters. Issues &
Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 10 Jan. 2013. Web.
12 Mar. 2013.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Journal #5
The movie Dive! was a real eye opener. I was well aware that food is being wasted in this country, but I had no idea how much. I was shocked to find out that half of the food we produce is thrown away. I work for a grocery store, so I see on a daily basis how much food is wasted in grocery stores. I also am guilty of wasting food at home. I have tried to be better about it since seeing the movie. I am more conscious of how much food I make and I make sure that more leftovers are eaten.
When I first read the description of the movie and saw that people where eating out of dumpsters, my first thought was "GROSS!" After watching the movie, however, I felt differently. These people are not just grabbing rotten food out of the trash and feeding it to their children. The food is wrapped in plastic and the food they chose to take has not been touched by other garbage that would make it inedible. At some points throughout the movie, I would feel as though these people where doing a good deed by eating the thrown out food, while at other points of the movie I felt it was unfair that they got to eat for free while others have to pay for food. One part of the movie that I really enjoyed was when they took the thrown out food and donated it to shelters in need. With so many people going hungry, it only makes sense to get the food no one else wanted into the bellies of those who need it. All in all I enjoyed the movie. I wish more people would be food conscious and help those in need.
When I first read the description of the movie and saw that people where eating out of dumpsters, my first thought was "GROSS!" After watching the movie, however, I felt differently. These people are not just grabbing rotten food out of the trash and feeding it to their children. The food is wrapped in plastic and the food they chose to take has not been touched by other garbage that would make it inedible. At some points throughout the movie, I would feel as though these people where doing a good deed by eating the thrown out food, while at other points of the movie I felt it was unfair that they got to eat for free while others have to pay for food. One part of the movie that I really enjoyed was when they took the thrown out food and donated it to shelters in need. With so many people going hungry, it only makes sense to get the food no one else wanted into the bellies of those who need it. All in all I enjoyed the movie. I wish more people would be food conscious and help those in need.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Journal # 4
"Are you crazy?" This is usually the first response I get when I tell people that I want to teach elementary students. The follow up to this is usually something along the lines of "You know you won't make very much money, right?" Now, I do have people in my life who are supportive of my dream to teach, but there are plenty of skeptics out there. I would be lying if I said that teachers make a killing doing what they do. It is a well known fact that teachers are underpaid and over worked. It takes a special kind of person, but I believe that teaching is what I was MEANT to do.
After hearing Mauricio Garcia's presentation "Find Your Passion, Live Your Purpose", I am even more confident in my decision to pursue a career in teaching. He made some excellent points in his speech, and the one that jumped out at me most was this; "Money follows passion." When he said this, it all came together. Why would I put myself in the position of working at a job that I hate for my entire life? I know that teaching does not pay loads of money, but I know it is something that I will enjoy. It is something I will love and it is something that I will be passionate about. Another point that Garcia made that really hit home with me was this "Stop caring about what other people think". We are told this our whole lives, but do we ever really listen? Are we not always worried about what other people think? I used to get discouraged when people would make comments about the long hours and low pay teachers endure, but it has gotten to a point where I do not care anymore. I am going to do what makes me happy.
After hearing Mauricio Garcia's presentation "Find Your Passion, Live Your Purpose", I am even more confident in my decision to pursue a career in teaching. He made some excellent points in his speech, and the one that jumped out at me most was this; "Money follows passion." When he said this, it all came together. Why would I put myself in the position of working at a job that I hate for my entire life? I know that teaching does not pay loads of money, but I know it is something that I will enjoy. It is something I will love and it is something that I will be passionate about. Another point that Garcia made that really hit home with me was this "Stop caring about what other people think". We are told this our whole lives, but do we ever really listen? Are we not always worried about what other people think? I used to get discouraged when people would make comments about the long hours and low pay teachers endure, but it has gotten to a point where I do not care anymore. I am going to do what makes me happy.
Social Media Essay
Effects of Facebook
on your mind? Such a personal question, yet over a billion people answer that
very question on a daily basis. As of December 31, 2012 Facebook has accumulated
1.06 billion users (Facebook). Facebook is used for many things; status
updates, photo albums, comments, likes, timelines, advertisements, the list
goes on. While Facebook can serve as a great tool to stay in contact with
friends and family, both down the street and across the world, it can also have
some negative effects on society as a whole.
Not only can Facebook take away the privacy of people and cause problems
in both our personal and professional lives, it can also distract us from more
important things in life, and keep us from living in the moment. It is for
these reasons that Facebook is a detriment to society.
Founded on February 4, 2004, Facebook’s mission is to
“make the world more open and connected” (Facebook). Created by a Harvard
student, the site’s original purpose was to connect the students in his school.
The site is now one of the largest sites in the world with over 400 million
people visiting each month (Carlson). Facebook serves as a great tool for
staying connected to friends and family. Members can comment, message, tag, and
post photos of themselves and others to tell the story of their lives. With the
click of a button, you can find anything from where a person goes to school and
where they live, to what they had for lunch that day. With such vast amounts of
information available to people at all times, it makes it easy to stay in
touch. This can be great for people who live away from their families, or have
friends in other parts of the world, but it also makes it easier for people to
find things you may not want them to find.
Privacy issues have plagued users of Facebook since its
beginning. Even with almost constant
updates to their privacy policies, Facebook has always had issues in this
department. While users control most of what is being made available to those
on the outside, hackers can infiltrate someone’s account with even the
strictest privacy settings and learn almost anything about them. Privacy
International, a watchdog organization, conducted a report on 23 Internet
service companies to evaluate their privacy policies. They charged Facebook
with severe privacy flaws and placed them in the second lowest category for
“substantial and comprehensive privacy threats” (“A Race to the Bottom,” 2007). The
obvious solution to this problem would be to not put anything on the internet that
you wouldn’t want someone to see. Many people do not realize, but once you put
something on the web, it is there forever. It cannot be erased.
addition to privacy issues, many people suffer from problems created in both
their personal and professional lives from the result of using Facebook. With
everyone always constantly looking to see what everyone else is doing, problems
are bound to arise. They can be as simple as someone getting their feelings
hurt or becoming jealous, to something more serious, such as cyber bullying. Especially
in school age children, bullying is on the rise and is taking place less in the
classroom and more so on the internet. With the anonymity that Facebook allows,
children can verbally and mentally abuse one another with almost no
consequences. The use of Facebook can also affect adults in their professional
lives. Many employers are now looking at
prospective employees Facebook and other account pages to see the types of
people they plan to hire. If someone has negative or controversial content on
their page, it may keep them from getting a job, or in some cases, may cause
them to lose a job they already have.
When is the last time you went a whole day without using
the internet? How long can you go without checking your email or updating your
status? For many people, they could not imagine a world in which they are not
constantly connected to others at all times. Facebook is contributing to this
problem. We, as a society, are so concerned with what everyone else is doing
all of the time that we fail to live in the here and now. Walk into any
restaurant and I can almost guarantee that most of the people who are eating
are also using cellphones or laptops. They are talking, texting, or surfing the
web. Very few of them are likely to be having a face to face conversation with
someone without the distraction of a phone or computer. In the fast paced world
that we live in, most people are multitasking at all times. There never seems
to be enough time in the day to get everything done and make everyone happy all
at the same time. Think back to 10 years ago, before Facebook was even a
thought. Could you make it through your day without knowing what your friends
had for lunch? Yes, you could, and you could now too if you just lived in the
present moment. Log off, sign out, and live in the moment.
While most would argue that Facebook has revolutionized
the way we communicate with one another and brought us together, it has done
nothing but push people further apart and create more problems than it has
solved. As Albert Einstein once said, “It has become appallingly obvious that
our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Only when we decide to end our
addiction to social media can we start living more fulfilling and meaningful lives,
without the burden of privacy issues, personal problems and distractions that
Facebook creates.
Works Cited:
Facebook. N.p., 30
Jan. 2013. Web. 8 Feb. 2013.
Carlson, Nicolas.
"At Last -- The Full Story Of How Facebook Was Founded." Business
Business Insider, 5 Mar. 2010. Web. 5 Feb. 2013.
A race to the bottom: Privacy ranking of internet
service companies—A consultation report.
(2007, June 9). Privacy International.Retrieved 17 Feb. 2013.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Journal 3: Digital Nation
I found the documentary Digital Nation to be very interesting. Technology is such a large part of most people's lives that many of us fail to even realize how much it affects our day to day existence. The part of the movie that I found to be most interesting was the part about multitasking and how it affects our brains.
Multitasking is something that most people do on a daily basis. I myself am even guilty of taking part in it. At this very moment I have several other tabs open on my computer. Facebook, Yahoo Mail, Pinterest, Blackboard, etc. All of these things serve as distractions from what I should be doing, writing this blog entry. Even as I watched the movie I was busy doing other things, feeding my daughter breakfast, washing a load of laundry, loading the dishwasher. I, like most other people, am usually busy trying to do many things at once. With the luxury of technology, it is much easier to do this, but is it healthy?
I really enjoyed the part of the movie where the MIT students where studied. I found it interesting that the students claimed that multitasking was actually making them more efficient thinkers and learners. When the study was done on how their brains reacted to completing many activities at one time, they where proven wrong. The fact that doing many things at once actually slows down our thinking makes me wonder, what could we accomplish if we were not so distracted all of the time?
Multitasking is something that most people do on a daily basis. I myself am even guilty of taking part in it. At this very moment I have several other tabs open on my computer. Facebook, Yahoo Mail, Pinterest, Blackboard, etc. All of these things serve as distractions from what I should be doing, writing this blog entry. Even as I watched the movie I was busy doing other things, feeding my daughter breakfast, washing a load of laundry, loading the dishwasher. I, like most other people, am usually busy trying to do many things at once. With the luxury of technology, it is much easier to do this, but is it healthy?
I really enjoyed the part of the movie where the MIT students where studied. I found it interesting that the students claimed that multitasking was actually making them more efficient thinkers and learners. When the study was done on how their brains reacted to completing many activities at one time, they where proven wrong. The fact that doing many things at once actually slows down our thinking makes me wonder, what could we accomplish if we were not so distracted all of the time?
Saturday, January 26, 2013
The Emotion of Art (Gallery Essay)
The Emotion of Art
“The principles of true art is not to
portray, but to evoke. “ This quote by Jerzy Kosinski says much about the
feelings and emotions that are often brought on by viewing various forms of
artwork. Art can make the viewer feel peaceful, serene or calm. It can also
make the viewer feel angry, outraged, or even sad. While visiting the gallery
opening, there were three photographs that caught my attention. Some stirred up
feelings of fear, such as the photo by Susan Tassin titled “Not Such a Big Man
Now”. Others, such as “Caged” by
Christopher Eatmon, and “Impatiently Waiting To Leave Alone”, by Hailey Morris
made me feel heartsick and sorrowful. The range of emotions I felt while viewing
these pieces of art lend truth to the quote by Jerzy Kosinski.
The first
photograph that I noticed at the gallery opening was titled “Not Such a Big Man
Now”. In the photo we see a woman pointing a gun straight at the camera. In the
background, we see what looks to be a desolate trailer park with piles of junk
lying around. The woman with the gun has a look of anguish on her face, and her
tattoos and choice of clothing seem to portray a woman of lower class. The
title suggests that the woman has simply had enough and is now taking matters
into her own hands. Even without the caption, much of these things can be
noticed in the picture. This photo jumped out at me because of the severity of
having a gun pointed at you. This photo was obviously meant to evoke some
feelings of fear. This was my first reaction, but after reading the caption, I
started to feel sorry for the woman, and began to wonder what had happened to
The second
photo I took notice of was by Christopher Eatmon and was titled “Caged”. In the
photo we see a cheetah sitting in the grass behind a fence. This photo was most
likely taken at the zoo, and I believe it was meant to make the viewer feel bad
for the animal. My first thought when looking at this photo was that the
cheetah looks very sad and lonely. A photo such as this would most likely be
used for animal rights activists, and the title “Caged” shows the artists
feelings on the situation. He most likely feels that the animal should not be
caged and should be allowed to live in the wild. He must feel sorry for this
animal and that is why he chose to portray the cheetah in such a way that the
fence can be seen in the photograph.
The last
photograph depicted a woman sitting in a plastic lawn chair on a set of
railroad tracks. The photo alone is enough to make the viewer feel heartbroken,
but when paired with the title “Impatiently Waiting to Leave Alone,” the photo
is taken to a whole new level. The fact that she is not facing the camera and
is instead facing the soon to be oncoming train, shows that she is impatient in
waiting for death. Also, we cannot see her face and that allows for some
mystery. Is she smiling? Is she crying? We do not know what her emotion is, and
that leaves room for some imagination on the viewer’s part. While viewing this photo I was thinking to
myself “What could have happened to this woman that she is so willing and ready
to die?” If the artist’s purpose was to
evoke feelings of sadness and sorrow with this photo, they have succeeded.
the quote stated before, the true meaning of art is not to tell a story, but to
gain an emotion from the viewer. When we look at photographs, paintings, sculptures,
or any other forms of artwork we are forced to feel some sort of emotion. Looking at the three photos in the gallery
did awaken emotion in me, and they ranged from fear to sadness and heartbreak
and sorrow. The fact that each photo made me feel a certain way about what was
being pictured, showed that the quote by Jerzy Kosinski is in fact true. “The principles of true art is not to
portray, but to evoke. “
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Journal 1: Thoughts on ENC 1101
Topic: Tell me about
your experience in ENC 1101. What do you
feel are the strengths you gained? How
was your class structured? What do you
feel you needed more assistance with?
has always been my favorite subject as well as the subject I feel I am the
strongest in. In my ENC 1101 class, we had to write several papers. Topics
ranged from describing how to do something to making up a story about a planet
we created. The class was pretty laid back. There were no tests or quizzes,
only essays, journals, and three discussion boards. The majority of the writing
was fiction; whereas in 1102 we will be writing mostly non-fiction and argument
essays that require research.
strengths I gained in 1101 where similar to those I gained in my high school
English class. I learned to write creatively as well as how to work with
deadlines. The only aspect of this class that I am nervous about is all of the
research. I do not have a problem with finding information; I just need to work
on knowing how to cite them correctly. I know that with practice I should be
able to strengthen this aspect of my writing.
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